Control your sim from your hitting area!

the gold standard of simulator control boxes

Discover the highest quality and most frustration free controller available!

Convenient Sim Control

All the must have controls right at the tip of your club. Club Keyboard has 18-28 buttons for complete control!

Plug and Play

Truly plug and play, no software required to work. No hassle, just plug it in or pair and its ready to use!

Quality USA Construction

This is the highest quality controller on the market and its evident when you compare to other controllers.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

We know you'll love it, once you have the convenience of this controller you'll never want to go without it!

Introducing our new faceplate system

Our new unique removable faceplate system allows you to update the board easily. If GS Pro adds new keyboard shortcut features or you want to customize your keyboard, you can easily replace the faceplate and reprogram the keys with just a few clicks.

Unlike overlays, our unique faceplate system is hidden, so it looks natural and is not noticeable when put in place.

Compare Club Keyboard to other products


The Club Keyboard is with out a doubt the highest quality controller on the market. We use custom manufactured components and high quality injection molded enclosures for a refined polished look.

Other controllers are often 3d printed on home printers that show printing lines and look like a DIY project.


The Club Keyboard is truly plug and play, our controller is a true keyboard and ready to go when you plug it in.

Other controllers require software to operate, often causing problems loading or disconnecting frequently.


The Club Keyboard controllers have 18 - 28 buttons, and can control virtually all of the keyboard functions available. Other controllers typically have 10 - 14, requiring you to pick and choose which functions to have on the controller and which ones you still need to walk to the computer for.


The Club Keyboard has custom keyboard circuitry designed for simulators.

Other controllers use a generic joystick controller board and keyboard emulation software that often causes disconnection and unreliable results.


The Club Keyboard includes all commonly used functions, customization is typically not necessary. However, if you want to change the programming, or use it for multiple simulators, it can be fully customized if needed.

What functions can I control?

    • Aim
    • Shot info
    • Mulligan
    • Drop Location
    • View
    • Target View
    • Lie Grid
    • Pull Flag
    • Fly Over
    • Club Selection
    • Putter
    • Menu Navigation
    • Enable Practice Mode
    • And many more

    ** Available Functions vary by simulator

Is My Golf Simulator Compatible?

The Club Keyboard is compatible with all launch monitors. We have models to control GS Pro, TGC 2019, SkyTrak and Optishot. It can control any software that uses keyboard shortcuts. See our FAQ for more information.

Need a custom controller?

No problem, we can customize the label for you, or even create a custom layout or entire box, the only limit is your imagination!

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